One of the “secret” things about manifesting is that you have to actually believe in your vision. Doubt is very low-vibration, and manifesting happens when we practice higher-vibration options more frequently, like trust. At lower vibrations, we stay stagnant. No movement happens. When we aim to manifest, change is necessary. Radical acceptance of and adaptation to change are crucial. We cannot heal or advance our growth if there is no movement from where we are today.
But change is scary as fuck for some of us, am I right? We human beings love to resist. Trust me, I know firsthand. It was difficult for me to accept that I needed to learn to adapt more if I expected positive change to take place. I couldn’t let go of how things were or how my mind had always told me they should be. One of the things we do to sabotage our own growth, so we won’t have to go to that scary place where we need to change, is accept limiting beliefs.
I truly believe that somewhere deep inside us, we all have this knowing that all of these limiting beliefs are bullshit. At the soul-level, we know that we are powerful beyond what society would have us believe. But still, limiting beliefs manage to sneak their way in more and more as we age. These come from many places, and it’s difficult to fight them, but we can do difficult things. If we are dedicated to putting the work in, we can defeat limiting beliefs that have been programmed into us.
If we take an honest look at where these limiting beliefs come from, it can feel overwhelming. Society as a whole creates them in a million ways. Advertisements with perfect, put-together homes and expensive items deliver the belief that we need all of that to be happy. Television, movies, and music try to tell us that we are not enough if our body doesn’t look a certain way or if our relationships don’t mirror those that live on screens and withing the lyrics of songs. Most of us don’t have homes that look like the ones in the Macy’s commercials, and few of us have relationships in which we spend our days skipping through the meadow holding hands. I am not anti-tv or anti-music, I simply encourage a more thoughtful analysis of the programming we allow in.
Even the medical and education institutions create limiting beliefs in us. Doctors can be so focused on the medical model that they would have us forget about our ability to tune into and heal ourselves, and teachers too often suggest that learners should accept so-called facts from books rather than be open to several perspectives. Limiting beliefs come from our parents too, because they have had these things passed down to them, and then do the same.
The point isn’t that everyone out there is malicious; in fact, most mean well. But we must never become so programmed by others’ views that we begin to lose our own gut instincts; this is where we get ourselves into trouble and this is where limiting beliefs are born.
Let’s look at a practical example. Think about a limiting belief you have. Then, deconstruct it and challenge it. I will share one with you that used to have more of a hold over me; I had myself convinced that I was meant to be poor in this lifetime. I think it is a great one to use as an example because so many can relate. Many of us who have financial strain had it passed down to us, sometimes for generations. If we come from a long line of ancestors who were convinced that they were meant to struggle, that became the only reality we knew, too. And when we accepted that as the only possibility, we manifested that financial strain. So, if we could can manifest that, why couldn’t can’t we reverse it and manifest improved financial security? The greatest thing holding us back from creating a positive belief is the limiting belief that it’s not even possible. None of us want to attempt “the impossible”, so the first step toward manifesting is believing your vision is possible. I have chipped away at my limiting belief – the one in which I believed that I was supposed to be poor in this lifetime - and through dozens of actions, I have seen my family’s financial security improve since 2022.
I won’t lie to you; it takes a long time to destroy a limiting belief. Although you need to take external actions to accomplish almost anything, the majority of the work actually takes place in your mind. It helps to seek clarity about where the limiting beliefs come from. But then, every time you identify that a limiting belief is in your head, you have to challenge it and replace it with a thought that supports manifesting what you want. Instead of, “there are always so many financial obligations that I will never get ahead,” try, “I have a lot of financial obligations, but I can take them one at a time and I trust the universe to give me what I need.” You will have to do this over and over and over (like establishing any new habit), until the day you find yourself in awe that replacing the negative thought with a positive one is second nature.
If anyone wants to share one of their limiting beliefs, I would love to start a dialogue. If you have identified what it is you want to manifest, it would be helpful if you choose to focus on a limiting belief associated with what you are trying to manifest. I know it is hard to be raw and open, but I think it is harder to walk alone. The Spirit Warrior community is a safe place to come for support. Reaching out to give and get support is manifesting community!
~ Peace and Love, Tracey
©Tracey Love, 2023. All rights reserved.